
Ming Ren 2
Ming REN 任敏

Ming Ren currently is a professor and director of international MFA program at China Academy of Art and PhD Professor at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. He has taught at RISD winter program many years and CCSF art program since 1990. 任敏现任中国美术学院教授、国际艺术硕士项目主任,上海美术学院博士生导师。他任教罗德岛美术学院冬季课程多年,自1990年起便于旧金山市立大学教授艺术课程。

David Frazer
David FRAZER 大卫.弗雷泽

Prof. David Frazer is a RISD painting professor emeritus. He was a Chair of Painting Department many times at RISD where he had taught more than 40 years. He is a guess professor of International MFA Program at China Academy of Art. 大卫.弗雷泽教授曾多次担任罗德岛美术学院绘画系主任职务,他是罗德岛美术学院绘画系40年以上教龄的终身制教授。同时,他也是中国美术学院国际艺术硕士项目的客座教授。

Jeremy Morgan
Jeremy MORGAN 杰米.摩根

Jeremy Morgan is a professor of painting at SFAI where he has taught since 1989. He has also taught at CCA in Oakland and JFK University. He is also a professor for the graduate program at China Academy of Art and PhD program at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. 杰米.摩根教授自1898年以来一直任教于旧金山美术学院,此外还在加州美术学院、肯尼迪大学等高校任教。他同时也是中国美术学院国际研究生专业的教授和上海美术学院国际博士生导师。

Ken Horii
Ken HORII 肯.霍利

Ken Horii is a RISD professor emeritus. He taught foundation program at the Spatial Dynamics in the Experimental and Foundation Studies Division at RISD for 26 year and served as a Chair of Foundation Studies for ten years. He is a guess professor for the International MFA Program at China Academy of Art. 肯.霍利教授在罗德岛美术学院实验与基础研究部教授空间动力学基础项目已有26年,并担任了10年基础部主任职务。同时他也是中国美术学院国际研究生项目的客座教授。

Charlie Ahearn by Jane Dickson1
Charlie AHEARN 查理. 哈恩

Prof. Charlie Ahearn has taught university classes on video, art and design at SVA for 10 years and other colleges many years. His paintings, films and videos have been shown at MOMA New York, The Tate Museum in Livepool and many world-famous art museums. He is a guess professor for the graduate program at China Academy of Art. 哈恩教授在纽约视觉艺术学院教授影像、艺术与设计课程已超过10年,并任教于其它知名艺术院校多年。他的绘画、电影与影像作品曾在纽约现代艺术博物挂、利物浦泰特博物馆及许多世界知名艺术博物馆展出。同时他也是中国美术学院国际研究生专业的客座教授。

Fred MARTIN 弗莱德. 马丁

Serviced as Vice President and professor of San Francisco Art Institute for 20 years, Prof. Fred Martin is a well known artists and educator in the US. His early art works exhibited at San Francisco Modern Art Museum in 1950. In the last 60 years, his works were exhibited at many main museums in the US, including Whitney Art Museum. Prof. Martin has received many awards including No. 183 New York Annual National Academy Elfred Award, Gold Award of Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting and Sculpture of Oakland Art Museum. 弗莱德. 马丁教授是美国知名的艺术家和教育家,他曾担任旧金山美术学院副院长、教授长达20年。他的早期艺术作品于1950年在旧金山现代艺术博物馆展出。在过去的60年里,他的作品在美国许多知名博物馆展出,包括惠特尼艺术博物馆。马丁教授曾获第183届纽约年度国家学院艾尔弗雷德奖、奥克兰美术馆年度油画及雕塑展金奖等多项奖项。

Laura FENG

Laura Feng is a curator at Shandong Art Museum. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Plastic Art from The University Paris VIII in France and a master’s degree in oil painting from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. She is experienced to consult students applying for European and American art colleges. 冯硕是山东美术馆的策展人,她学士毕业于法国巴黎第八大学造型艺术专业,硕士毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系。她在帮助学生申请欧美艺术类高校领域经验丰富。

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A group of senior professors from top US art colleges are our consultants. They will use their expertise and experience to help you.

Ming REN / 任敏

Ming Ren currently is a professor and director of international MFA program at China Academy of Art and PhD Professor at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. He has taught at RISD winter program many years and CCSF art program since 1990. 任敏现任中国美术学院教授、国际艺术硕士项目主任,上海美术学院博士生导师。他任教罗德岛美术学院冬季课程多年,自1990年起便于旧金山市立大学教授艺术课程。

David FRAZER / 大卫. 弗雷泽

Prof. David Frazer is a RISD painting professor emeritus. He was a Chair of Painting Department many times at RISD where he had taught more than 40 years. He is a guess professor of International MFA Program at China Academy of Art. 大卫.弗雷泽教授曾多次担任罗德岛美术学院绘画系主任职务,他是罗德岛美术学院绘画系40年以上教龄的终身制教授。同时,他也是中国美术学院国际艺术硕士项目的客座教授。

Jeremy MORGAN/ 杰米. 摩根

Jeremy Morgan is a professor of painting at SFAI where he has taught since 1989. He has also taught at CCA in Oakland and JFK University. He is also a professor for the graduate program at China Academy of Art and PhD program at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. 杰米.摩根教授自1898年以来一直任教于旧金山美术学院,此外还在加州美术学院、肯尼迪大学等高校任教。他同时也是中国美术学院国际研究生专业的教授和上海美术学院国际博士生导师。

Ken HORII / 肯. 霍利

Ken Horii is a RISD professor emeritus. He taught foundation program at the Spatial Dynamics in the Experimental and Foundation Studies Division at RISD for 26 year and served as a Chair of Foundation Studies for ten years. He is a guess professor for the International MFA Program at China Academy of Art. 肯.霍利教授在罗德岛美术学院实验与基础研究部教授空间动力学基础项目已有26年,并担任了10年基础部主任职务。同时他也是中国美术学院国际研究生项目的客座教授。

Charlie AHEARN / 查理. 哈恩

Prof. Charlie Ahearn has taught university classes on video, art and design at SVA for 10 years and other colleges many years. His paintings, films and videos have been shown at MOMA New York, The Tate Museum in Livepool and many world-famous art museums. He is a guess professor for the graduate program at China Academy of Art. 哈恩教授在纽约视觉艺术学院教授影像、艺术与设计课程已超过10年,并任教于其它知名艺术院校多年。他的绘画、电影与影像作品曾在纽约现代艺术博物挂、利物浦泰特博物馆及许多世界知名艺术博物馆展出。同时他也是中国美术学院国际研究生专业的客座教授。

Fred MARTIN / 弗莱德. 马丁

Serviced as Vice President and professor of San Francisco Art Institute for 20 years, Prof. Fred Martin is a well known artists and educator in the US. His early art works exhibited at San Francisco Modern Art Museum in 1950. In the last 60 years, his works were exhibited at many main museums in the US, including Whitney Art Museum. Prof. Martin has received many awards including No. 183 New York Annual National Academy Elfred Award, Gold Award of Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting and Sculpture of Oakland Art Museum. 弗莱德. 马丁教授是美国知名的艺术家和教育家,他曾担任旧金山美术学院副院长、教授长达20年。他的早期艺术作品于1950年在旧金山现代艺术博物馆展出。在过去的60年里,他的作品在美国许多知名博物馆展出,包括惠特尼艺术博物馆。马丁教授曾获第183届纽约年度国家学院艾尔弗雷德奖、奥克兰美术馆年度油画及雕塑展金奖等多项奖项。

Laura FENG / 冯硕

Laura Feng is a curator at Shandong Art Museum. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Plastic Art from The University Paris VIII in France and a master’s degree in oil painting from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. She is experienced to consult students applying for European and American art colleges. 冯硕是山东美术馆的策展人,她学士毕业于法国巴黎第八大学造型艺术专业,硕士毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系。她在帮助学生申请欧美艺术类高校领域经验丰富。


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