
The New School - PARSONS


        帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院(又称“新学院大学”),是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design,简称AICAD)的会员之一。帕森设计学院的校园有两英亩的校园在纽约市第五大道,主要坐落于纽约格林威治区,著名的时尚部门则位于市中心的制衣区。帕森斯设计学院有约三千八百名学生,在这里学生们享有很多独一无二的实习机会,包括:香奈儿公司、康泰纳仕集团、迪斯尼公司、梦工厂、谷歌、马克雅克布、Marvel漫画和联合国总部。


Parsons School of Design was found in 1896. Today we’re the only American art and design school within a comprehensive university, The New School, which also houses a rigorous liberal arts college and a progressive performing arts school. Our undergraduate and graduate programs, offered through Parsons’s five schools, immerse students in focused training, interdisciplinary inquiry, and practice-based collaborative learning. Here creators and scholars master established art and design fields and advance emerging ones while studying a range of university disciplines.
New York City is home to Parsons’ main campus and a range of creative practitioners and industries. Parsons Paris offers students an atelier-like setting from which to explore heritage brands and traditions, new technologies, and a host of art, design, and business partners in Europe and beyond. Together, these complementary learning communities make Parsons a singular launchpad for a creative education and career. What Parsons brings together can set you apart—read how below.



  • 建筑设计
  • 通信设计
  • 设计与技术
  • 设计历史与实践
  • 时装设计
  • 美术
  • 插图
  • 集成设计
  • 室内设计
  • 摄影
  • 产品设计
  • 战略设计与管理
  • 城市设计
  • 艺术与设计史及其理论





  • 人类学
  • 艺术与设计历史
  • 资本主义研究
  • 中国研究
  • 漫画及图文叙事
  • 通信设计
  • 现代舞
  • 现代音乐
  • 创造性编码
  • 创意创业
  • 表演实践的创造性技术
  • 文化和媒体
  • 数据可视化
  • 设计研究
  • 数字人文
  • 戏剧艺术
  • 经济学
  • 环境研究
  • 时尚通信
  • 时尚研究
  • 电影制作
  • 美术
  • 食品研究
  • 法国研究
  • 性别研究
  • 全球研究
  • 拉美裔研究
  • 历史
  • 沉浸式讲故事
  • 跨学科科学
  • 日本研究
  • 犹太文化
  • 新闻和设计
  • 文学翻译
  • 文学
  • 移动图像艺术
  • 博物馆与策展研究
  • 作曲
  • 哲学
  • 摄影
  • 政治
  • 后类型音乐:表演与创作
  • 版画
  • 心理学
  • 种族和民族
  • 宗教研究
  • 电影剧本创作
  • 社会实践
  • 社会学
  • 可持续发展城市
  • 音乐技巧(理论、练耳、听写)
  • 临时环境
  • 剧院
  • 城市研究
  • 视觉研究
  • 写作


    Undergraduate Program

    Undergraduate Minor

Minors at The New School offer you major opportunities to immerse yourself in new disciplines. These highly creative and enriching series of courses give you endless ways to broaden your skills, interests, and career options. Artists can gain a global perspective, historians can learn music composition, designers can study sociology. Every time you cross into a new discipline, you increase your relevance to a world that equates creativity with multidisciplinary talents.

       Minor Program

  • 服装设计



  • 产品设计



  • 通讯设计



  • 设计与技术



  • Fashion Design

This innovative program has trained five generations of designers who have shaped the global industry. Employing design thinking and creative problem-solving strategies, you explore form, silhouette, material, and process — including social and environmental imperatives — to create beautiful, sustainable, and responsible fashion for a complex and evolving field. You are encouraged to explore the broadest contexts and applications of the field.


  • Product Design

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Product Design cultivates the technical and critical skills you need to design products that enhance human abilities and relationships. In this major, you address contemporary realities including sustainability and technological change while exploring materials, fabrication, aesthetics, and social engagement in both local and global contexts. Shops and studio space are shared with other graduate and undergraduate programs taught at the School of Constructed Environments — Architecture, Interior Design, and Lighting Design — as well as Fine Arts, fostering interdisciplinary work.


  • Communication Design

As a BFA Communication Design student, you begin your major with an intense focus on typography and interaction, then go on to complete courses, internships, and sponsored projects in editorial design, interaction design, branding, Web/mobile product design, type design, motion graphics, advertising design, and information design. A related program, the BFA in Art, Media, and Technology, is offered at the Parsons Paris campus.


  • Design and Technology

This major is to choose a pathway — Game Design or Creative Technology — and solve design problems by remixing software, hardware, art, and design creatively. In this program, code becomes your second language and expressive means of connecting with others. You develop a sustainable process for researching, experimenting, designing, prototyping, iterating, and producing projects that keeps pace with evolving technology. A related program, the BFA in Art, Media, and Technology, is offered at the Parsons Paris campus.



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