
Pratt Institute (Pratt)

Pratt Institute is one of the largest art schools in the US. It was founded in 1887 by American industrialist Charles Pratt. An advocate of education and the transformational impact it can have on people’s lives, Pratt set out to provide an affordable college education that was accessible to working men and women. Pratt provides programs that prepared for students to enter the fields of design and engineering. Many Pratt students became architects, engineers, dressmakers, and furniture makers.
Today, Pratt Institute is transforming academic excellence in architecture, art, design, information studies, and liberal arts and sciences through its visionary future. Since the first class of 12 students convened on Pratt’s Brooklyn campus in 1887, the college has become a top-ranked global leader in higher education with a world-renowned faculty of over 1,100 award-winning artists, designers, architects, writers, and scholars. Pratt’s locations—a beautiful 25-acre main campus in Brooklyn and a landmark building in Manhattan—provide unparalleled opportunities for 4,700 students to engage with, and learn from, artistic leaders and local and international industries. In 83 countries across the globe, Pratt’s 62,000 alumni are advancing the creative economy and shaping the world through their remarkable work.


  • 学位 Degrees

Pratt offers more than 25 undergraduate degree programs and concentrations and more than 26 graduate degree programs in its Schools of Art, Design, Architecture, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Information. It also provides students with opportunities to enroll in dual-degree programs. In addition to the programs on the Brooklyn and Manhattan campuses, Pratt also has an extension center in Utica, New York.


  • 证书 Certificates

Pratt offers six programs leading to an Advanced Certificate award: Art and Design Education, Archives Program, Library and Information Studies, Library Media SpecialistMuseum Libraries, and User Experience (UX). We also offer two full-time English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for international students that focus on the language of art, design, and architecture. The English proficiency certificate programs are available both during the Academic Year (CEP) and Summer (SCP).


There are six schools at Pratt: School of Architecture, School of Art, School of Design, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Information.


  • 建筑学院 School of Architecture

  1. 将具备创造力的专业知识作为最高专业价值
  2. 通过分析和研究的方式培养批判性思维,挑战每一门学科的极限
  3. 用道德判断强调社会与可持续发展的重要性
  4. 在最先进前沿领域具备技术专长
The School of Architecture educates future leaders in design, planning, and management disciplines by offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in the professional fields of architecture, urban design, city and regional planning, construction and facilities management, environmental management, urban placemaking, historic preservation, and real estate. Our mission is articulated in four learning objectives shared by all of the school’s programs:
  1. Professional Knowledge with Creativity as the highest professional value,
  2. Critical Thinking that challenges the limits of each discipline through analysis and research,
  3. Ethical Judgement that stresses the importance of community and sustainability,
  4. Technological Expertise in the most advanced technologies available.


  • 设计学院 School of Design

In 2007, with the help of a generous gift from Pratt Trustee and alumna Juliana Terian (B. Arch. ’90), Pratt opened the Juliana Curran Terian Design Center—a multidisciplinary complex that brings all of Pratt’s design disciplines together under one roof, enhancing the interdisciplinary collaboration and exploration that are a hallmark of a Pratt education. The Design Center comprises 150,000 square feet among two historic loft buildings joined by a modern pavilion.
To this end, the School of Design, housed in the Juliana Curran Terian Design Center, was founded in 2014. Located in the borough of Brooklyn, the city’s epicenter of design and culture, The School of Design is made up of four of Pratt’s oldest and most esteemed disciplines and includes undergraduate education in Communications DesignFashion DesignIndustrial Design, and Interior Design; as well as graduate degrees in Industrial DesignInterior Design, Communications Design, and Package Design.


  • 通信设计专业 Communication Design

The Communications Design curriculum embraces the multi-faceted and interdisciplinary nature of communication design practice. Our courses and projects promote the rich exchange embodied in a studio culture that values the development of individual perspectives, critique, visual literacy, media fluency, experiential learning, and innovative formal outcomes.
The studio courses prompt students to engage in increasingly complex projects that introduce time-based media, visual systems, branding, and installations. Students develop an individual focus or set of interests inside the larger discipline through courses in their chosen area of emphasis: graphic design, illustration, or advertising art direction. The core curriculum allow students to explore ways of thinking and making throughout the visual arts.
The department hosts a weekly visiting artist and designer lecture series and invites guest critics to participate in open critiques taking full advantage of the wealth of talent that New York City has to offer. The program also supports international exchange and study abroad programs for students who are interested in expanding their learning experience abroad.


  • 工业设计专业 Industrial Design

The Industrial Design program at Pratt is set to prepare students to become professional designers of the 21st century. Whether working with industry or acting as entrepreneurs, students will be able to create products, systems, and environments which help to innovate and improve everyday objects.
To become professionals, students learn aesthetic values of visual abstraction, from line and color to development of complex three-dimensional form.  Students study to practice design as an iterative process that includes ideation, sketching, prototype making, and testing of their projects. Hands-on skills, learned in a model shop, are complemented with digital skills, practiced in computer labs. From their sophomore year on, students are taught the importance of critical thinking: the art of observation and discovery, and ability to uncover and formulate real-world problems in need of design solutions.
Faculty members in the Industrial Design department are professional educators and designers; many of them are principals of their own successful businesses and recipients of prestigious industry awards. Throughout their years of study, students are exposed to cultural richness and diversity of New York City, with its world-class museums, galleries, and art and design events. Brooklyn, in particular, has recently become a hot spot of young entrepreneurial craft and design culture, and students can learn a great deal from immersing themselves in the activities of the bustling contemporary design scene.



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